Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts


While Postbox has its own power-user keyboard shortcuts, you can continue using Gmail shortcuts you're used to within Postbox. To switch them on, go to Postbox (macOS/Tools (Windows) > Preferences/Options > Advanced and checkmark Use Gmail shortcuts. To return to Postbox's shortcuts, uncheck the box.

Here are the keyboard shortcuts in Postbox when Gmail shortcuts are turned on.

Message List Pane macOS Windows
Go to Home screen shift + command + H Alt + Home
Go to Next message J J
Go to Previous message K K
Go Back to Last-Viewed Message [ [
Return to Current Message ] ]
Go to Next Unread Thread shift + T Shift + T
Expand all conversations in the Message List pane * *
Collapse all conversations in the Message List pane \ \
Expand selected collapsed conversation in the Message List pane right arrow right arrow
Collapse selected expanded conversation in the Message List pane left arrow left arrow
Expand selected conversation in the Message pane O O
Collapse selected conversation in the Message pane shift + O Shift + O
Move to the Search bar / or command + K / or Ctrl + K
Toggle Inspector pane for selected message shift command + I Ctrl + Shift + I
3-Pane Navigation macOS Windows
Move from pane to pane F6 F6
Select the next message unit in a conversation in the message pane   Alt + Down Arrow
Select the previous message unit in a conversation in the message pane   Alt + Up Arrow
Switch tabs command + 1-9 Ctrl + 1-9
Move to next tab control + tab Ctrl + Tab
Move to previous tab shift + control + tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Advanced Search shift + command + K Ctrl + Shift + K
View Messages option + command + L Ctrl +Alt + L
View Attachments option + command + A Ctrl + Alt + A
View Images option + command + I Ctrl + Alt + I
Address Book window shift + command + B Ctrl + Shift + B
Folder pane toggle shift + command + M Ctrl + Shift + L
Focus pane toggle shift + command + P Ctrl + Shift + P
Find in This Message command + F Ctrl + F
Find Again in message command + G, or F3 Ctrl + G, or F3
Find previous in message shift + command + G or Shift + F3 Ctrl + Shift + G, or Shift + F3
Close Tab command + W Ctrl + W
Close Window command + Shift + W Ctrl + Shift + W
Open Preferences/Options command + ,  
Quit/Exit command + Q Ctrl + Q
Minimize command + M (not available in full-screen mode)  
Hide command + H  
Increase text size command + + Ctrl + +
Decrease text size command + - Ctrl + -
Restore text size command + 0 (zero) Ctrl + 0 (zero)
Message Commands macOS Windows
New Message (default format) C C
New Reminder shift + command + N Ctrl + Shift + N
Open Message command + O Ctrl + O
Archive E E
Quick Folder Switch G G
Quick Move V V
Quick Reply shift + R Shift + R
Send an Existing Quick Reply command + enter Ctrl + Enter
Send and archive Quick Reply (PB 3 and higher) Command + Shift + Option + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Enter
Cancel an Existing Quick Reply esc Esc
Quick Search (macOS) / /
Move to the Search bar (Not available in Quick Reply) command + K ctrl + K
Assign a Topic T T
Assign a Label (PB 3 and higher, for Gmail accounts only) L L
Add/Remove a Favorite Topic 1 to 9 1 to 9
Remove All Topics from a Message 0 0
Mark/unmark as Reminder S S
Mark Message as Read/Unread M M
Mark Message as Pending/Not Pending shift + M Shift + M
Mark All Read shift + C Shift + C
Mark Thread as Read R  
Mark as Junk toggle J Shift + J
Print command + P Ctrl + P
Copy command + C Ctrl + C
Delete delete Del
Delete immediately (skip Trash folder) shift + delete Shift + Del
Select All command + A Ctrl + A
Select Thread shift + command + A Ctrl + Shift + A
Undo command + Z Ctrl + Z
Redo command + Y Ctrl + Y
Edit a message command + E Ctrl + E
Forward Message F F
Reply to Message R R
Save As Draft command + S Ctrl + S
Get New Mail For All Accounts shift + command + D Ctrl + Shift + D
Get New Mail For Account command + T Ctrl + T
View Message Source command + U Ctrl + U
Message Composition macOS Windows
Add an Attachment shift + command + A Ctrl + Shift + A
Cc Field option + command + C Ctrl + Alt + C
Bcc Field option + command + B Ctrl + Alt + B 
Reply-To Field option _ command + R Ctrl + Alt + R 
Toggle Summary mode command + O Ctrl + O
Toggle recipients between Reply and Reply All shift + command + R Ctrl + Shift + R
Create a new message C C
Send Now shift + command + D Ctrl + Return
Send Later (Message is placed in the local Unsent folder) shift + command + return Ctrl + Shift + Return
Save As Draft command + S Ctrl + S
Close Window command + W Ctrl + W
Print command + P Ctrl + P
Quick Bar command + L Ctrl + L
Insert a Link shift + command + L Ctrl + Shift + L
Message Composition - Text Editing macOS Windows
Undo command + Z Ctrl + Z
Redo shift + command + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut command + X Ctrl + X
Copy command + C Ctrl + C
Paste command + V Ctrl + V
Paste without Formatting shift + command + V Ctrl + Shift + V
Rewrap command + R Ctrl + R
Select All command + A Ctrl + A
Find and Replace command + F Ctrl + F
Find Again command + G Ctrl + G
Find Previous shift + command + G Ctrl + Shift + G
Message Composition - Text Formatting macOS Windows
Bold command + B Ctrl + B
Italics command + I Ctrl + I
Underline command + U Ctrl + U
Fixed Width (toggle) command + T Ctrl + T
Discontinue Text Styles shift + command + Y Ctrl + Shift + Y
Discontinue Link shift + command + K Ctrl + Shift + K
Increase Indent command + ] Ctrl + ]
Decrease Indent command + [ Ctrl + [
Make text Larger command + + Ctrl + +
Make text Smaller command + - Ctrl + -
Restore text size command + 0 (zero) Ctrl + 0 (zero)
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