Compose Window Menu Reference


The Compose window has its own set of menus that contain tools for writing and sending emails. Here's what you'll find in these menus.





Opens a new window for composing an additional message.

Address Book Contact

Opens a window for creating a new contact in the Address Book.



Opens a dialog for selecting one or more attachments for the current message.

Cloud File Sharing

This will give you an option to attach a file from the cloud of the respective account.

Web page…

Opens a dialog in which you can type the URL of a web page you'd like to attach to the current message.

Personal Card (vCard)

Attaches address-book contact to message.

Remind Me Later

If this option is selected and you try to send an email without attaching a file, Postbox will prompt you with a reminder to attach a file. 


Closes the Compose window and the current message. If you've addressed the message or typed anything, a dialog asks if you'd like to save the message as a draft before closing.


Saves the current message to the selected account's Drafts folder before closing the message.

Save as


Opens a dialog in which you can save a copy of the current message as an HTML file.


Saves a copy of the current message to the selected account's Drafts folder.


Saves a copy of the current message to the selected account's Templates folder. (If the account has no Templates folders, Postbox creates one.)

To use a message in the Templates folder, double-click it or select Message > Resend to create a copy of the message and open the Compose window.

Send Now

Sends the current message immediately.

Send Later

Stores the message in the Unsent folder in On My Mac (macOS) or Local Folders (Windows) account. (Postbox creates an Unsent folder if necessary.)

To send a message currently in your Unsent folder, select the message and use Message > Resend to open the message in the Compose window. To quickly send all of the messages in the Unsent folder at once, select Send Unsent Messages from the main-window File menu.

Page Setup…

Opens the Page Setup dialog in which you can configure the message for printing.


Displays the Print dialog where you can specify the number of printed copies, etc. Click OK to print the page.




Reverses the last action performed in a text field. Use the Redo command to restore the Undo action.


Redoes the last Undo command.


Cuts the currently selected text and stores it in the clipboard. Paste the text to the desired location using the Paste command.


Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Paste a copy of the text to the desired location using the Paste command.


Pastes text in the clipboard.

Paste Without Formatting

Pastes text in the clipboard as unformatted text.

Paste as Quotation

Pastes text in the clipboard as quoted text, indented by one quotation level.


When composing a message that contains quoted text, cleans up the line breaks in the quoted text to make it more readable.


Deletes the currently selected text.

Rename Attachment

This will provide you with the option to rename the attachment from within the compose window after you have attached the file. 

Select All

Selects all body text when the cursor's in the message's body. If the cursor's currently in the Subject field or an address field, all of the text in that field is selected.


Provides an option to search within the compose window.

Find and Replace…

Opens the Find and Replace dialog in which you can enter text to search for and enter any text with which you'd like to replace it. The dialog also provides settings to customize your search.

  • Match exact case—Search only for text with identical capitalization.
  • Wrap around—When starting a search with the cursor in the middle of a message, include the start of the message up to the cursor's location.
  • Search backwards—Search the message only up to the cursor's current location.
  • Find Next—Find and select the next occurrence of the text in the Find field.
  • Replace—Replace the currently selected text with the text in the Replace field.
  • Replace and Find—Replace the currently selected text with the text in the Replace field, and then locate the next occurrence of the Find text.
  • Replace All—Find all occurrences of the Find text and replace them all with the Replace text.
  • Close—Close the Find and Replace dialog.

Find Again

Based on the cursor's current location, search forward for the next occurrence of the text entered in the Find and Replace dialog's Find field without having to re-open the dialog.

Find Previous

Based on the cursor's current location, search backward for the most recent occurrence of the text entered in the Find and Replace dialog's Find field without having to re-open the dialog.

Start Dictation

When Dictation is turned on in the Dictation & Speech system preferences (macOS), this activates dictation at the cursor's current location.

Emoji & Symbols

Opens a dialog box from where you can select the desired emoji or symbol.



Customize Toolbar…

Displays a dialog in which you can set up the Compose window toolbar for the way you like to work. Drag a button, spacer, or divider from the dialog to the desired location to add it to the toolbar. While the dialog is open, you can drag any button, spacer, or divider of the toolbar to remove it.

Select the appearance of the toolbar using its Show menu. You can choose:

  • Icons and text—For a color set of Postbox icons, with labels.
  • Icons—For color icons only.
  • Text—For labels only.

Formatting Toolbar

Shows or hides the Compose window's Formatting toolbar that contains styling options for text in the body of the current message. Many of these options are also available in the Compose window's Format menu.

In Preferences | Options > Composition > General you can set your messages' default font, size, text color, and background color.

Note: Postbox sends messages by default in both plain text and HTML formats for maximum compatibility with recipients' e-mail apps. You can customize this behavior in Preferences | Options >Composition > General > Send Options…


Zoom In

Increases the text size by one point.

Zoom Out

Decreases the text size by one point.


Resets the text size to the default state.


Opens and closes the Compose window sidebar.

Goal Status Bar

If you select this option then you will see a timer on the bottom left corner. It can be set to a value and that can be used to set a goal i.e like in 5minutes you need to complete composing the email.

Code View

This option will show you the HTML code for the email that you are trying to compose. 


Cc Field, Bcc Field, Reply-To Field, Newsgroups Field, Followup-To Field

When checked, adds the corresponding address field to the message.

Message Security Info

Opens a window that displays information on security certificates related to the message.



Selected Message

When an existing message is selected before opening the Compose window, inserts the contents of the selected message into a new message in the Compose window.


Inserts an inline image at the cursor's current position. The dialog allows you to select a local image file, or enter an image URL.


Opens a dialog in which you configure a table for inserting at the cursor's current position. (Click Advanced Edit… in the dialog for table details.). Click OK to insert the table.


Opens a dialog for entering a URL that converts the selected text into a link, or adds a link to the message at the cursor's current position if no text is selected. (The link's URL must include a protocol such as "http://," "mailto:," etc.)

Horizontal Line

Adds a horizontal divider line at the cursor's current position.


Allows you to manually code HTML for the selected text or insert HTML code into the message.


Allows you to manually add a mathematical expression.

Break Below Image(s)

When the cursor is after an image and before the text that follows it, adds a line break to move the text to the next line.

Quick Bar

Using the Quick Bar you can input signatures, responses, or topics directly. Shortcut for Mac: CMD+L and for Windows Ctrl+L.

This launches the Quick Bar feature with which you can add an existing signature or response to the current message at the cursor's current location, or assign a topic to the message.


When you're sending an e-mail in HTML, or plain text and HTML (the default setting), the formatting options in this menu apply to the text in the body of your HTML messages.



Allows you to select any font you have on your system for the selected text.


Smaller, Larger

Adjusts the font size for the selected text.

x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large

Sets the selected text's size to the desired size.

Text Style Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Fixedwidth, Nonbreaking

Applies style to selected text.

Text Color…

Opens a dialog from which you can apply color to selected text.

Remove Text Styles

Removes the current styling from text past the cursor's current position.

Remove Link

When you've selected text and added a link to it, Postbox ends the link at the cursor's current position so that subsequent typing isn't included as part of the linked text.


Body Text, Paragraph, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6, Address, Preformat

Applies an HTML style tag to the selected text.


None, Bulleted, Numbered

Applies a list style to selected text (or removes it with None.)

Increase Indent, Decrease Indent

Indents the selected text. Once the text has been indented, Decrease Indent reduces the amount of indentation.


Left, Center, Right, Justify

Sets the orientation of the selected text.

Table Insert

  • Table…—Opens a dialog in which you configure a table for insertion at the cursor's current position. (Click Advanced Edit… in the dialog for table details.). Click OK to insert the table.
  • Row Above—Inserts a row above the currently selected row.
  • Row Below—Inserts a row below the currently selected row.
  • Column Before—Inserts a column to the left of the currently selected column.
  • Column After—Inserts a column to the right of the currently selected column.
  • Cell Before—Inserts a cell to the left of the currently selected cell.
  • Cell After—Inserts a cell to the right of the currently selected cell.


  • Table—With the cursor in any of its cells, selects the entire table.
  • Row(s)—Selects the row in which the cursor is located.
  • Column(s)—Selects the column in which the cursor is located.
  • Cell(s)—Selects the row in which the cursor is located.
  • All Cells—With the cursor in any of its cells, selects the contents of all cells in the table.


  • Table—With the cursor in any of its cells, clears the entire table.
  • Row—Removes the row in which the cursor is located.
  • Column—Removes the column in which the cursor is located.
  • Cell—Removes the cell in which the cursor is located.
  • Cell Contents—With the cursor in any of its cells, clears the contents of all cells.

Join with Cell to the Right

Combines the cell containing the cursor with the cell to its right.

Split Cell

Divides the cell containing the cursor into two cells.

Create Table from Selection

Opens dialog from which you can create a table that contains the currently selected text.

Table or Cell Background Color…

With the cursor in one of its cells, sets the appearance of the table.

Table Properties…

Opens a dialog containing detailed table-formatting settings.



Check Spelling…

Opens a dialog in which Postbox can go through the current message to check for misspellings using your personal dictionary in macOS and Windows.

Spell-Check As You Type

Turns on Postbox's auto-spellcheck feature that watches for misspellings as you type, with each misspelled word signified by a dotted red underline. (You can right-click the word for spelling suggestions.)


Toggles Postbox's Summary mode on or off. Summary mode cleans up and reformats message threads to make them easier to read. When the Summary mode is on, the menu item changes to Quote Message, which you can select to return to standard thread formatting.

Reply All

Creates a new reply from the current message to all senders.

Return Receipt

Requests return receipts for the current message. Postbox can receive and generate return receipts that help you and others know that messages have reached their intended destination(s).

To turn on return-receipt functionality in Postbox, go to Preferences | Options > General > Return Receipts… and set the desired behavior. Note that your recipients' e-mail apps may or may not support return receipts.

Delivery Status Notification

Attaches a DSN request for a delivery status update for the current message from its recipient(s) e-mail apps. Note that your recipients' e-mail apps may or may not support DSN requests.

Text Encoding

Displays a menu from which you can select an alternate character encoding should you have the need to do so.


Delivery Format

Auto-Detect, Plain Text Only, Rich Text (HMTL) Only, Plain and Rich (HTML) Text

This menu overrides the setting of Preferences | Options > Composition > General > Send Options... for the current message, allowing you to send it as plain text only, HTML only, or both. When you're replying to someone, the Auto-Detect setting formats your reply to match the original message.


Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest

Sets the priority of the messages you're sending. Note that your recipients' e-mail apps may or may not respect your prioritization.

Send a Copy To

Select an account or folder in which to save a copy of this message as it's sent.

Encrypt This Message

Postbox allows you to encrypt outgoing messages using SMIME encryption certificates for extra security, as described here. Once you've got it set up, you can choose to encrypt or not encrypt the current message by selecting the desired Security menu option.

Digitally Sign This Message

Allows you to digitally sign the email that you are sending.




Minimizes the message to the Dock (Mac) or Taskbar (Windows).


Toggles the full-size display of the Compose window on and off.

Mail & Newsgroups

Brings Postbox's main-window Accounts and Folders pane forward in front of the Compose window.

Address Book

Opens the Address Book window where you can view and work with your address books.

[Open windows]

Select any open window or folder for the front-most display.

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