The Favorites Bar appears just under the toolbar, and it provides a way for you to
- slide the Accounts / Folders pane open or closed
- quickly access accounts and folders
The Favorites Bar is particularly useful if you wish to keep the Accounts/Folders pane closed to simplify the Postbox interface.
To show or hide the Favorites Bar, navigate to the View menu > Show > Favorites Bar.
Adding Folders
To add a folder to the Favorites Bar:
- select the folder in the folder pane and drag and drop it into the Favorites bar
- right-click a folder and select "Favorite Folder" from the contextual menu
The Favorites Bar also supports sub-folders one level deep. Click and hold the arrow icon to the right of the folder name to see a list of sub-folders.
You can also add Account Groups to the Favorites Bar, and this will give you access to the Inboxes for each account within the group.
Organizing Folders
Accounts and Folders in the Favorites Bar can be rearranged via drag and drop actions.
Removing Folders
To remove a folder from the Favorites Bar, right-click on the folder and select Remove From Favorites from the contextual menu.
Filing Messages
The Favorites Bar can be used to file messages. Drag a message to a Favorite folder, then let go of the mouse/trackpad to file the message.