Video Tutorials


Our new video tutorial series will help you quickly learn Postbox and take control of your Inbox. Each video provides you with our best tips and tricks to mastering Postbox – all completely free for anyone to use.


Postbox Video Tutorial 1 1. The Postbox User Interface
Postbox is designed for maximum efficiency, providing you with powerful email features within a clean and intuitive user interface.
Postbox Video Tutorial 2 2. Working with Messages
Postbox gives you all the tools you need to manage the busiest of inboxes.
Postbox Video Tutorial 3 3. Topics & The Focus Pane
A look at how you can work conceptually with messages in Postbox by using the Topics (tagging) feature and the Focus Pane.
Postbox Video Tutorial 4 4. Composing & Sending
Postbox is packed with features for writing, formatting, and sending emails
Postbox Video Tutorial 5 5. Responses & Placeholders
Responses are pre-canned message snippets that you can reuse over and over again.
Postbox Video Tutorial 6 6. Signatures
One easily overlooked and potentially useful feature of email is email signatures.
Postbox Video Tutorial 7 7. Searching
Searching in Postbox is effortless, with powerful tools that allow you to construct advanced searches.
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