The Postbox Troubleshooting Panel is a tool to help you troubleshoot issues you may be having in Postbox. For example, 3rd party add-ons could be causing Postbox to not work as expected, 3rd party applications such as virus checkers that have quarantined mail databases, etc.
The Trouble-Shooting Panel can be found under the Help menu, and it supports the following functions:
- Save Mode - This restarts Postbox in Safe Mode, which temporarily disables all Add-ons and custom settings.
- Permanently Disable all Add-ons - This disables any add-ons that you may have installed in Postbox. This does not remove them, however, so they can be turned back on if desired.
- Reset User Interface - This removes any customizations you may have made to Postbox, for example, your toolbar configuration.
- Reset Search Index - This deletes the Search Index. After running this function, you'll want to reindex your messages by going to the Tools menu and selecting Indexing > Index All Folders.
- Open Profile Manager on Restart - This will open the Profile Manager on a restart, which will allow you to create a new Postbox profile.
- Create Protocol Log File - This will create a text file that logs mail protocol actions. Select this option only if instructed by a Postbox Support Technician.