How to Register Your License Code



First, please make sure that you are running the most current version of Postbox for which you purchased the license. Select "About Postbox" from the "Postbox" menu to determine your version number.

To register your license code:

  • Within Postbox, select "License" from the "Help" menu.
  • Enter your name and license code EXACTLY as they appear in the fulfillment email we sent to you when you purchased Postbox (blank spaces and all).  If you cannot find this email, please visit this page to have one sent to you.

We highly recommend that you COPY and PASTE the values directly from your license email into the license screen! 

Incomplete or Incorrect License Entry


The yellow triangle icon indicates that the product is not yet registered.

Completed and Correct License Entry



Common Errors

Using Order Number as Code - People sometimes put their order number instead of the license code into the license screen.  A number that looks like PB100221-4231-48745 is your order number, NOT your license code.  

Wrong Name - The license code is generated in part by your name.  So when entering your license code, you must enter your exact name used when purchasing Postbox.  For example, if you purchased under the name "Benjamin Franklin", you must use that exact name, and not "Ben Franklin".

Extra Spaces in Name - When purchasing Postbox, if you used extra spaces in your name, such as "George   Washington" instead of "George Washington", then you must also insert those extra spaces when you enter your license code.  The best way to avoid correct this is to simply copy your name and license code directly from the fulfillment email that we sent to you after purchasing Postbox.

Substitutions - Sometimes an O can look like a 0, or l like a 1, etc. Again, we recommend that you cut and paste the values from your license email into the license screen.

Still Stuck?

Contact the Postbox Store and we would be happy to help you out!

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