Combining RSS Feeds into a Single RSS Folder


When you click on the RSS Feeds Account, it will display the individual feeds below, each within it's own folder. However, you can combine feeds into a single folder if you wish.

For example, if you would like to combine feeds from RSS folder A and RSS folder B together, please do the following:

  • Select all entries in RSS folder B, and then move the entries into RSS folder A using a standard Move command.
  • Right-click RSS folder A and select "Manage Subscriptions" from the contextual menu.
  • Within the RSS Subscriptions window, expand both RSS folder A and RSS folder B. Drag the feed icon from B to A. You should now have two feed entries in RSS Folder A.
  • Close the RSS Subscriptions window.
  • In the Accounts and Folders pane, right-click RSS folder B and select Delete from the contextual menu.
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